October 21, 2024

Having fun and loving life!

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  • Raw by Rae

    This is a review for Raw by Rae desserts.  I was sent a free sample in the mail and asked to give an honest review.  I am not receiving any money or compensation if you purchase these desserts. Have you heard of Raw by Rae? If you haven't, you're not alone.  I hadn't heard of…

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  • Healthy Snacks for Road Trips

    My family has spent a lot of time away from home these past few weeks. Between visiting my sister in Wyoming and spending time with my in-laws, it feels like I've hardly been home. Something about those long drives in the car - people get hungry, especially little children.  I've been wondering what healthy snacks…

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  • My “Diet”

    People have asked me "What did you do to lose weight?".  Many people seem to be expecting some big, secret answer that magically took my weight off.  They seem disappointed with my answer: eat better and exercise.  I thought I would give a little more detail when it comes to what I eat. What diet…

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  • Three Ways to Use Ripe Bananas

    I used to hate bananas, especially overripe ones.  I thought they were slimy and disgusting.   I would avoid anything banana-flavored, even candy.  I even had a dislike for the movie Herbie Goes Bananas.  Yes, I hated bananas with a passion. Over the past year, though, my taste buds have changed.  Don't ask me how!…

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  • Homemade Adventures: Applesauce

    After searching for something new to try making at home, I had a strange thought: Applesauce.  I've been using it some of my cooking, and thought I would try giving it a whirl. The question: Where to begin?  I did some online searching and found several different recipes, but they all had added sugar, cinnamon, vanilla,…

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  • Homemade Adventures: Strawberry Jam

    After making homemade bread for a couple months, I've been bitten by a homemade bug.  When my food is homemade, I not only know what the ingredients are, but can save some money as well.  I keep thinking of different things that I could make at home.  Imagine my delight when a friend shared a…

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  • Homemade Adventures: Peanut Butter

    Crunchy. Smooth. Natural. Chocolate. Reduced Fat. Who knew there were so many different types of peanut butter?  Sometimes I buy the store brand of peanut butter, but most of the time I buy natural, fresh ground peanut butter from the bulk section of my local WInco. It is just roasted peanuts ground fresh right there…

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  • Homemade Adventures: Whole Wheat Bread

    We have started some new adventures at our house: making more food from scratch. I blame Joshua. He looked at what we were spending on bread each week, and said we might be able to save some money if I made it myself. I mulled the idea around for awhile, then finally decided to jump…

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  • Banana Split Pancakes

    I have been looking at and cooking healthy recipes for the past several years.  I finally decided to try something new - create my own.  So, I bring you my first original recipe - Banana Split Pancakes!  These are great for serving that special someone breakfast in bed! Pancake Batter 

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  • Should I Listen to Music While Running?

    Music has always been a passion of mine.  It has a big impact on me.  It's not just the beat, but sometimes the lyrics.  I bawl when I hear "Butterfly Kisses"  and "Wind Beneath My Wings."  I feel empowered when I hear "One Moment in Time" or "Perfect."  Running, however, has not always been a passion.…

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