October 21, 2024

Having fun and loving life!

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Breakfast Banana Splits


Banana splits for breakfast.  Sounds too good to be true, right?  Wrong!

Now, I am not a banana fan.  I will only eat bananas if they are plain and not even browning.  To even think about combining them with ice cream never made sense to me.

However, breakfast banana splits are a different story.  Just substitute a few ingredients from a regular banana split, and you have a delicious, healthy breakfast that even I enjoy (and my kids love).  I found this recipe in The Biggest Loser Family Cookbook.  This amount makes one serving.

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons fat-free, sugar-free hot fudge (I just use sugar free chocolate syrup)
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 cup fat-free, sugar free vanilla yogurt
  • 1/3 cup chopped strawberries
  • 1 tablespoon crunchy high-fiber, low-sugar cereal (I use Grape Nuts)

Here is where I differ from the cookbook a little.  It says to peel the banana and then cut it in half lengthwise.  However, I just cut the banana in half and place to the pieces side by side in a bowl.  After putting the yogurt in the center, top it with the strawberries.  I keep a bag of frozen strawberries in my freezer for smoothies, so I just thaw some in the microwave for this meal.  The strawberries are followed by the cereal.  The final step is pouring the chocolate fudge/syrup over the entire concoction.

It’s very easy to make, and is a big hit with everyone in the family.  So if you’re looking for a new, healthy breakfast, given these banana splits a try!



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