October 21, 2024

Having fun and loving life!

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  • Raw by Rae

    This is a review for Raw by Rae desserts.  I was sent a free sample in the mail and asked to give an honest review.  I am not receiving any money or compensation if you purchase these desserts. Have you heard of Raw by Rae? If you haven't, you're not alone.  I hadn't heard of…

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  • Healthy Snacks for Road Trips

    My family has spent a lot of time away from home these past few weeks. Between visiting my sister in Wyoming and spending time with my in-laws, it feels like I've hardly been home. Something about those long drives in the car - people get hungry, especially little children.  I've been wondering what healthy snacks…

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  • Three Ways to Use Ripe Bananas

    I used to hate bananas, especially overripe ones.  I thought they were slimy and disgusting.   I would avoid anything banana-flavored, even candy.  I even had a dislike for the movie Herbie Goes Bananas.  Yes, I hated bananas with a passion. Over the past year, though, my taste buds have changed.  Don't ask me how!…

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  • Homemade Adventures: Applesauce

    After searching for something new to try making at home, I had a strange thought: Applesauce.  I've been using it some of my cooking, and thought I would try giving it a whirl. The question: Where to begin?  I did some online searching and found several different recipes, but they all had added sugar, cinnamon, vanilla,…

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  • Homemade Adventures: Strawberry Jam

    After making homemade bread for a couple months, I've been bitten by a homemade bug.  When my food is homemade, I not only know what the ingredients are, but can save some money as well.  I keep thinking of different things that I could make at home.  Imagine my delight when a friend shared a…

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  • Homemade Adventures: Peanut Butter

    Crunchy. Smooth. Natural. Chocolate. Reduced Fat. Who knew there were so many different types of peanut butter?  Sometimes I buy the store brand of peanut butter, but most of the time I buy natural, fresh ground peanut butter from the bulk section of my local WInco. It is just roasted peanuts ground fresh right there…

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  • Homemade Adventures: Whole Wheat Bread

    We have started some new adventures at our house: making more food from scratch. I blame Joshua. He looked at what we were spending on bread each week, and said we might be able to save some money if I made it myself. I mulled the idea around for awhile, then finally decided to jump…

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  • Banana Split Pancakes

    I have been looking at and cooking healthy recipes for the past several years.  I finally decided to try something new - create my own.  So, I bring you my first original recipe - Banana Split Pancakes!  These are great for serving that special someone breakfast in bed! Pancake Batter 

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  • Quinoa Tortillas – My First Epic Fail

    Money has been a little tight lately, so I have tried to make some more homemade food.  Pretty much all the food I cook is already homemade, but I'm talking even more homemade.  For example, for lunch the other day we had nachos with homemade tortilla chips (but made out of store-bought tortillas). Well, if I can…

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  • Ips: An Everyday Snack

    A couple months ago, I was approached about writing a review for a snack called Ips (Intelligent Protein Snacks).   Now, I'd never heard of them, but I was willing to give them a try.   I'm always looking for healthier options to eat than plain potato chips. I was sent a sample pack with…

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